Christmas cards Making

November 1, 2023

Snowman, snowman craft

Family Christmas cards are one of my absolute favorite things to design and send out each year. I know it can be stressful planning outfits and getting 'the perfect shot', but I am always so happy to have that stage in our life documented beautifully. It makes all the hard work worth it!

2015 brought a lot of changes for our family- the biggest change being the birth of our baby Eli. What better time to change things up with Christmas cards, than after adding a new member to your family! Adding a new baby to the family is exciting and new and unexpected, and I wanted our card to reflect that. I've loved out traditional family pictures from past years (you can see some ), but this year I wanted to think outside the box a bit.

I designed our card around the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus". Instead of a pretty setting, I opted to take them in a studio. I originally had the boys holding baby Eli, but I liked it better with Garrett holding him, kind of like Santa is holding the best present of all! I really wanted to run with the theme, and I'm so happy with they turned out! I designed our cards using Shutterfly. They have such beautiful metallic card options, and I love the simple modern design of this one.

I listed 3 tips on how to make your Christmas Cards unique and memorable below...


  • Think outside the box: There is no rule that says your cards must include beautiful scenery and matching outfits. Don't get me wrong. I love scenery and matching outfits. But maybe try taking pictures in your kitchen baking Christmas cookies, or reading "The Night Before Christmas" all snuggled up in bed. Or go with a theme like I did. I worried a bit that a theme would be cheesy. But if you are going to do a theme, you must commit to it 100% for the concept to really work. Why not break the mold one year?
  • Add visual interest: If you are going with a theme for your cards, bringing in props can really help elevate the look of it. If you do choose to shoot in a studio, make sure your props are big and bright and will really pop. Taking your pictures outside? Try pulling a piece of furniture outside to sit on, have the kids hold wreaths or balloons, etc. Props add a finishing touch to themed cards.
  • Go with a candid: If you aren't quite ready to sway from the typical family photo, try selecting one of the candid shots where your two-year-old is pulling a crazy face while everyone else is cracking up. As tempting as it is to want one with everyone looking and smiling, it's the candid shots where personalities shine through. And seeing everyones individual personalities is what gives your card it's own personality.

This post is sponsored by Shutterfly. Share and celebrate your family update. Shop Shutterfly for personalized holiday cards that are unique, meaningful and that are just the way you want.


Christmas crafts - card making with Gilda Baron
Christmas crafts - card making with Gilda Baron
Card Making Ideas - Original Christmas Card Making Kit
Card Making Ideas - Original Christmas Card Making Kit
How to make: Quick and Easy Christmas Cards
How to make: Quick and Easy Christmas Cards
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