Farewell Greeting cards for colleagues

March 19, 2014

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Farewell card message quote for colleagues and co-workersFarewell Messages for Colleagues: Colleagues, team members and bosses who are more friends rather than mere co-workers deserve a special send off. A touching message, heartfelt goodbye quotes, plethora of funny jokes, inspirational farewell speeches, and greeting cards that celebrate their achievements in the office – there are just some of the things that are the order of the day when close colleagues leave. Whether it is resignation or retirement, make sure you let your colleagues know that their departure will be a big loss to you not just on a professional level in the office but also on a personal too. Make sure that their farewell party is rife with funny banter, smiles and laughter so that they leave with nothing but memories they’ll hold close to their hearts.

1) I like the feeling of finding it difficult to say goodbye to someone because it only means that I have found a true friend. Farewell.

2) It is hard to say goodbye to a colleague who has been less of a co-worker and more of a friend. I will miss you and I am sad that the joyride of working with you has to come to an end. Farewell.

3) The cold meeting room walls will now feel colder without the warmth of a helpful and considerate colleague like you. Farewell.

4) NEVER in my life have I EVER thought that I would want to work with a colleague FOREVER – until I started working with YOU. Farewell, I will miss you.

5) Having awesome colleagues is a bad habit, because it’ll be impossible to work with someone else now that you’re leaving. Goodbye.

6) Monthly targets and performance appraisals will come and go, but the memories of working with a colleague like you will stay in my forever. Farewell.

7) I want to hunt down the head hunter who hunted you and tell him that he has scored his best hunt ever. Farewell.

Colleague resignation goodbye speech message8) We are definitely worried about how the performance of our team will decrease when a colleague like you leaves. But what’s more important, is that your absence will make all our hearts grieve. Goodbye.

9) I know that you are going to get an awesome salary in your new job but there is no guarantee that you will get awesome colleagues like us too. Do you still want to go? Farewell.

10) Having you as a partner at work was one of the best professional experiences in my career. Farewell.

11) Your resignation is a cruel reminder that all good things in life must come to an end. You may have stopped being a colleague, but you’ll always remain my friend. Farewell.

12) Now that you are leaving, miscellaneous expenses of the company will decrease, productivity will increase, deadlines will be met and efficiency will spike. On a serious note, the exact opposite will happen. Farewell.

13) I will now have to make an addition to the family pictures on my office desk – YOU, because you have always been more like family and less like a co-worker. Farewell.

14) You were my best critic, honest friend, reliable teammate and dependable colleague. Farewell and keep in touch.

15) Your resignation may have left a small empty cubicle in the office but your departure has left a large empty space in my heart. Congratulations for finding a new job, we will miss you.

Warm farewell greeting card message for office colleagues16) To our dearest colleague… you decided to move to greener pastures, but your departure will leave our grounds barren and dry. Farewell.

17) Farewell, to the man whose word we trusted more than operating procedures, checklists and manuals. Your knowledge and experience was always beyond par.

18) Without your help and never-ending support, I don’t know how I will be able to hold fort. Without your cheerful smile and motivational notes, I will have to depend on inspirational videos and quotes. Farewell.

19) It was a pleasure being your boss, because you sent all my worries for a toss. As you leave I want to lay my heart bare, to tell you that employees like you are really rare. Goodbye.

20) Your resignation is the biggest loss that our company has suffered this fiscal. We all wish farewell to the employee who was a profit driving machine and a friend so special.

21) As a colleague, you are a shield that protects us from the boss’ rants and a weapon that helps us in our war with monthly targets. Farewell.

22) Without a fun-loving co-worker like you, our after work drinks will turn sober, quiet and slightly more sophisticated. Farewell buddy, we will miss you.

23) Coming to work every day and not seeing your chirpy face will be a painful anguish. But the fun memories we’ve shared at work will never diminish. Farewell.

24) I know that quitting this job has been one of the BEST decisions of your life but just so you know, it will have the WORST impact on your colleagues. While you are set to GAIN a better position, we are set to LOSE a terrific comrade. Farewell.

25) On the outside, I may be smiling while I wish you farewell. But on the inside, I am desperately praying that you will quit your new job and come back to work with us again. Farewell.

26) Because we are in the office, I may not let tears out of my eyes. But I want you to know, that my heart will silently weep and cry. Farewell.

Funny message quote for colleagues and co-workers in office Beautiful farewell and goodbye quote for co-workers Sweet farewell message for colleagues at work Funny farewell greeting card wishes for colleagues
Source: smstext.jazh.com

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