Make my own cards online to print

September 30, 2021

You just fill in the

Experiment with Word tools to make a unique business card.Experiment with Word tools to make a unique business card.


Creating a custom business card template gives you the advantage of being able to add your own graphics, logo and company information to your calling card. Designing a business card template takes some thought and planning to ensure you achieve a high-quality result that will leave a favorable impression on present and future customers. You can move the creative process along and save time by basing your new business card template on an existing Word template. Another option is to create a template by using the Labels feature in Word.

From an Existing Template

Step 1

Open Word and click “File” on the application toolbar. Click “New” and select “Business Cards” from the template list.

Step 3

Customize the text within the template by highlighting the existing text and typing in your own details. Copy and paste the text from the first card to the remaining cards in the template.

Step 4

Customize the graphic and insert your own logo or image. Click on the graphic, then click “Insert” and “Picture.” Choose the graphic you want to use and click “Insert.” Resize the graphic as needed by dragging on the handles. Copy and paste the graphic to each card in the template.

Step 5

Print a test page. Make any necessary adjustments and print another test page. Continue this process until you are completely satisfied with the result.

Step 6

Save your custom template by clicking “File” and “Save As.” Enter a filename in the “File Name” field. Click on the “Save as Type” down-arrow and select “Word Template (DOTX)” to save your template.

Make Your Own Template From Scratch

Step 1

Open Word and click on “Mailings.” Click “Labels, ” then click “Options.”

Step 2

Click the “Label Vendor” drop-down arrow and select a business card manufacturer. Select the “Product Number” and click “OK.”

Type your information into the business card. Press “Shift+Enter” between lines that you want to keep together so they'll be easier to format later.

Highlight the text and right-click with your mouse. Select "Font" from the drop-down menu and choose the font face and size for your text.

Highlight the text again, right-click and select "Paragraph" from the drop-down list. Make adjustments to your alignment, indentation and spacing as needed.

Confirm that the “Full Page of the Same Label” radio button under "Print" is checked, then click the "New Document" button to generate a full page of your cards.

Step 7

Click on the "Insert" tab to add graphics. Choose "Picture, " find your logo and then click "Insert." Adjust the graphic size by dragging using the picture handles.

Step 8

Reposition the graphic as desired by right-clicking on the image and selecting "Text Wrapping" to set how the text flows around the graphic. Adjust the placement by right-clicking on the graphic and selecting "Text Wrapping" and "More Layout Options."

Step 9

Copy and paste the graphic to the remaining cards on the page.

Step 10

Test your template by printing it on card stock. Make any final adjustments.

Step 11

Save your customized template by clicking “File” and “Save As.” Enter a filename, click on the “Save as Type” down-arrow and select “Word Template (DOTX)” to save your template.


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